The Benefits of Pulses Food for You and the Environment

A collection of pulse foods

Some superfoods like pulses get too little attention. Only a few of them have gained popularity, like lentils and quinoa.

You’ll be missing out if you neglect other pulse foods. That’s because they are full of powerful nutrients, and their plants help sustain the environment.

Pulses aid the cardiovascular system and digestion, and they can reduce blood sugar and carbon emissions.

It’s World Pulses Day (WPD) today, and this article talks about the benefits of pulse food.

What is Pulse food?

Pulses are edible seeds from various legume plants. They include legumes like lentils, chicken peas, and beans, as well as grains such as quinoa, millet, and amaranth. It also includes nuts like almonds, peanuts, and chia seeds.

Pulses have a high protein content and are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. They are also low in fat and cholesterol.

Benefits of Pulse Foods

These foods provide support for both the body and the environment.

Nutritional Benefits of Pulse Foods

Pulses are an excellent source of plant-based protein, though each has different protein and amino acid levels. The body needs protein for muscle growth and overall health.

Pulses are fiber-rich, aid digestion, and are good for gut health. They also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

In addition, they are full of vitamins and minerals like folate, zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium. These are essential for body growth and development and for boosting immunity.

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Health Benefits of Pulse Foods

Pulses food offers a wide range of health benefits.

Cardiovascular Benefits

By regulating cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure, they promote cardiac health. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Blood Sugar Levels

Pulses have a low glycemic index, so they don’t increase blood sugar levels. This is very significant for people living with diabetes. Pulses can improve glucose tolerance and also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Mental Health

Pulses food can boost energy levels and combat fatigue because of their high iron content. Similarly, they support the production of serotonin, also known as the feel-good chemical. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, digestion, and learning. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals for brain function.

Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Benefits

These foods contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Antioxidants limit the damage that free radicals can cause. This protects the body from cellular damage and boosts immunity.

Anti-inflammatory compounds reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. They can also lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Aid Digestion

Pulses are a good source of prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria in your gut. They help the gut-promoting bacteria strive and support the digestive system. This prevents constipation by improving bowel movements and also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Weight Control

Weight control is one of the most famous benefits of pulses food. They help with weight loss because of their high protein and fiber content. That’s because their consumption reduces overeating by giving you a feeling of fullness.

Environmental Benefits of Pulse Foods

Besides the edible use, one of the benefits of pulses food is the environmental support their plants provide.

Soil Fertility

They improve the health of the soil by incorporating nitrogen, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. That’s because nitrogen is one of the major plant nutrients, the others being potassium and phosphorus.

Carbon Reduction

Pulse plants reduce the effect of climate change through nitrogen fixation. They produce low emissions of nitrous oxide, which is a potent greenhouse gas.

Ecology Preservation

These plants have deep root systems. This makes them able to access water from deeper soil layers, making them have fewer water needs.

This means they use less water and energy for irrigation, resulting in a reduction in their carbon footprint.

Similarly, they can improve water retention in the soil when used in crop rotation. Their dense root systems reduce erosion because of their anchorage in the soil. As a result, they can help preserve land in areas that are prone to desertification or degradation.

Also, they promote biodiversity by providing habitat for useful insects.

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Culinary Versatility of Pulse Foods

These superfoods have diverse culinary uses. They can be prepared by soaking, boiling, or roasting and can be eaten as soup, stews, salads, and even desserts. Popular pulse meals include hummus, roasted chickpeas, and lentil soup. Others are lentil curry, lentil salad, black bean burgers, and black bean brownies.

Their versatile uses make them present in many traditional dishes in different cultures around the world. They are a significant meat substitute for vegetarians.

Because they can be consumed as baked goods and snacks, they contribute to a more sustainable and diverse diet.

Step Up your Pulse Intake

Pulses help keep us healthy while preserving our environment. If you’re not consuming any of them yet, it’s time you incorporate them into your diet.

But to get the benefits of pulses food, eat only the dried seeds. This is because when consumed fresh, they’re legumes, which are also good but offer fewer benefits.


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